Protecting your critical assets

Take effective control of your assets with Veksys. Optimize your equipment reliability. Extend the lifecycle of your critical asset infrastructure. Monitor your assets full-time.

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...for ROI Results


Number of units or locations? 2
Number of critical rotating assets at each unit/location? 16
Average number of operating months per year? 6


Number of hours per month collecting vibration and thermography data? 16
Number of hours per month analyzing vibration and thermography data? 4
Number of hours per month collecting lubrication samples of oil reservoirs? 8

Surveys, Rounds, PM's

Number of monthly surveys, rounds, pm's completed on paper? 500
Number of hours monthly completing these surveys, rounds, pm's? 100
Number of hours for archiving and retrieval monthly? 6
Number of hours per month reviewing/trending this data? 8


Number of staff for these tasks? 1
Fully burdened labor rate? 125
(Typically 2-3x hourly for insurance, vacation, training, pension etc.)

Reduction in Unexpected Failures due to Continuous Monitoring

One less unexpected failure - major. 1
Average costs of each major anomaly? (maintenance labor and parts only) 120000
Potential reduction in revenue generation per major anomaly? Hours 0
Average value of loss of production/generation time? Hourly 1000
One less unexpected failure - minor. 1
Average costs of each minor anomaly? 25000
*Typically no loss of production or generation is associated with a minor anomaly.